Blog Post Ideas: Glance at Amazon Books When you keep regular blogs, you may find it difficult to come up with blog post ideas sometimes. It happens to everyone- a type of "blogger block" sets in and you just don't know what to write about. But have no fear because there are many fantastic ways to find blog post ideas. One excellent method is to glance at Amazon books. It's quick, it's easy and it's free so this method of generating ideas is something that every blogger can take advantage of. Never again will you have to worry about where you will get your blog ideas from. Instead, you can have an endless supply of ideas at your fingertips just waiting to be written. Here are the steps you need to gather blog post ideas with this method: * Get paper and pen or open a word processing program for taking your ideas down * Go to * Go to the "books" section and then browse * You can browse by categories related to your niche * You can also do a search for keywords related to your niche * When you see book titles that jump out at you, write them down * When the book titles help inspire ideas for blog posts, write these down, too * Browse categories in your niche to get even more ideas * Read the table of contents of books for ideas * Read excerpts of the books when they have them Now once you have a great list of ideas, it's important to keep them someplace that you can find them and then make a commitment to come back to them and use them to keep regular, fresh content on your blog. Now that you have a good list of blog post ideas, you're ready to get to work. Store your blog ideas somewhere safe so that you can always have them when you need them. When you start running low on blog ideas because you've written them all, just go back to Amazon books and start the process all over again. Sometimes even looking at the same book titles will inspire you with new, fresh ideas.