SEMRush GEO Launched. PPC Fans & SEO Professionals Can Now Find Local AdWords Advertisers and Clients with 2 Mouse Clicks

SEMRush GEO has just launched. PPC fans and SEO professionals can now find AdWords advertisers and potential clients next door.

This service shows sites advertising in Google AdWords, mapped on Google Maps by their addresses.

SEO companies and professionals can now easily find the clients in vicinity that already buy AdWords and can be interested in improving their AdWords campaign as well as in alternative SEO services.


Drag the map, zoom in and out.
Play with the map to view regions with lots of AdWords advertisers.
Zoom in to view their exact locations. Easy.

What if you could…

  • Offer local businesses your marketing services (e.g. blog install, blog promotion, consulting) and help put their business online and attract more clients
  • Offer local AdWord advertisers affordable sponsor ads and banners on your blog and reach a wider audience

SEMRush GEO makes it easy, don’t you think?

For example, in 10 seconds I could find hotels, local restaurants and cosmetic shops advertising on AdWords. Make a list and start contating them with my irresistible offer. I could say something like this…

“Hi. My name is Codrut. I help local businesses like yourself attract more clients and sell them additional products (more money in your pocket) – when most businesses only sell once.

I provide proven copywriting services and I’d like to schedule a 30-minute consulting call with you to see if I can help with your specific business needs and see if we’re a good fit for working together.”

Try something similar. Online marketing when mixed with offline marketing equals profit boosts, don’t you agree?

P.S. If you want to see local AdWords advertisers in US, UK or India, then this is possible. Free in the beta version!

P.P.S. If you’re offering blog commenting SEO services, then this is a great opportunity for you to help clients make more money…

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