Affiliate Products to Sell: How to Select the Right Affiliate Products to Promote

Interested in finding Affiliate Products to sell?

I remember that at one point, I thought all there is to being an affiliate marketer is to find some information products with a good affiliate commission and start promoting them on your blog or site.

As you can imagine, this didn’t make me a lot of money. In time, I dug into the psychology of affiliate marketing and making money online. I realized how to effectively select affiliate products to promote and I started playing a completely different game.

I believe that choosing the right affiliate products to sell (& endorse) is crucial for two reasons:

  1. Sales. The better you choose a product, the more it will sell and the more money you will make out of this.
  2. Credibility. By promoting the right products, you build credibility with your readers or subscribers instead of potentially destroying it, which makes it more probable to make a lot of sales for future products as well.

Today, when I choose information products to promote on my blog, there are three key things I look at in order to make the best choices.

1. Compatibility Comes First

My blog is about enhancing social skills and social confidence. I write articles on topics such as how to overcome shyness or how to destroy low self esteem. Thus, I attract a lot of readers with needs in these areas, seeking a solution to their problem.

So it makes sense for me to promote information products that address these exact needs. This is why, for example, I’m promoting a product on overcoming shyness, and the match between my niche and the product reflects in good conversions.

The challenge here is that often, we tend to promote a product simply because we like it, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of our blog or site. You may have a blog on financial planning but you’re also interested in losing weight and found a great ebook on this topic, so you decide to recommend it to your readers.

The problem is that even though some of your readers may coincidentally also be interested in losing weight, most of them will only be confused by this product you’re promoting. They’re thinking: “I want to get my finances in order. What do I care about a weight loss ebook?”

2. Promote Products You’ve Tested

In my view, one of your greatest assets with your readers or subscribers is your credibility. If they trust you to provide quality content and valuable recommendations, they will be a lot more responsive to your offers.

One of the best ways to ruin this trust is to promote low-quality products (and there are plenty of those out there). Your audience will believe you’re just out to make a quick buck off their back and immediately stop paying attention to your suggestions.

In order to prevent this from happening, my top advice is to always test a product yourself before you endorse it. You can either buy it or request a free copy from the seller in order to decide if you want to become an affiliate for it. I’ve used both these methods successfully.

Only after you’ve read/ listened/ watched the information the product presents, put it into practice and got meaningful results, it is OK to recommend it to your readers. You can also share your own success with using the product and this will considerably compel your readers to buy it.

3. Test, Test, Test

Last but not least, keep in mind that although a product may seem good for your readers or subscribers, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to sell well. You can only predict the success of a product to some extent before promoting it.

So, if a product seems to have a lot of chances to sell well and you believe in it, do promote it on your blog or site. But if the conversion rate doesn’t turn out to be at all what you expected, my advice is to keep testing other products, while learning from your experience.

Eventually, as you test more products as an affiliate, you’ll find the ones that match well with your readers and you can focus on promoting those. This doesn’t mean you should forget the previous two ideas and start promoting any product at first, but do be aware that a trial and error process is part of the affiliate marketing journey.

It’s tempting to jump at the opportunity to support a product simply because you would be making a lot of money if it sells well. But that doesn’t mean it will sell well. This is why I believe it’s essential to keep a weather eye open and use your head in choosing affiliate products to sell.


Eduard Ezeanu teaches people how to make friends by confidently putting their best foot forward in communication. He also writes on his blog, People Skills Decoded.

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