Aweber, Web Hosted Autoresponder or Desktop Autoresponder?

If you think you know the real difference between Aweber, web hosted autoresponders and desktop autoresponders – you’ve not read this article.

It’s no secret – there are three category of autoresponders, each with their own benefits and features, but one of them surpasses all the others.

Read further to find out which one and why…

For instance:

Aweber – I’ll start with this one because it’s something I’m using myself.

Why did I pick it?

Because I TESTED both a web hosted autoresponder and several desktop autoresponder solutions, and the conclusion was that Aweber was by far the best.

Why Aweber IS the best..

It’s simple – Aweber is a dedicated service company that solely provides autoresponders. Their aim is to improve this service and they proudly do it on a regular basis.

They have full back-up service and they’re dedicated to host small list and big opt-in lists.

Sky’s the limit – you don’t have a limit on the number of subscribers you could host, just that for each 10,000 subscribers you bring in to your list, you get charged an additional $9 per month.

This is a measly investment if you compare it with the potential profits you could be making with your lists.

If you haven’t read this article yet, do it now:

Aweber VS GetResponse – Which One Is Better?

Let’s move on to the second option:

  • A Web Hosted Autoresponder – this is not always the best solution.

Does it sound convincing to have both your web hosting and autoresponder service all in one place?

No, it’s not.

I’ve heard horror stories about people who lost thousands of subscribers because they let their web hosting company to host their opt-in lists.

Usually if your host is down, your autoresponder is down as well…

Another negative aspect to this is that I still haven’t seen a web hosted autoresponder providing at least 40% of Aweber’s benefits and features.

  • In conclusion do NOT ever consider to host your autoresponder with a web hosting company, no matter the price, and the service.

Aweber is by far the best (yes, I get a commission for promoting it, but I’m not doing it for the money – I do it because I like the service, period).

Remember – Aweber is dedicated to provide solely autoresponders.

Web hosting providers are focusing on web hosting, and less on autoresponders.

Now, on the last autoresponder solution

This one is better than web hosting autoresponder services, but has a major drawback.

  • I haven’t yet found a Desktop Autoresponder solution that you can use to send out follow-up messages in advance, without having to open your computer for doing that.

Yes – desktop autoresponders only work if you send your messages from your own computer, and only if your computer is opened.

It won’t work like Aweber for example which is a web based service, and it can be used wordwide; basically, you can access it and broadcast to your list from everywhere in the world where it has Internet access.

Moreover, you can put follow-up messages in advance for months and even years.

Try to do that with desktop based autoresponders, and you’re going to go nowhere.

This solution is for people who only want to keep in touch with a small number of customers and they don’t care about following up with them on a regular basis.

So, which autoresponder are you going to use?

Click here to try Aweber and get $195 worth of BONUS Gifts from me 🙂

Codrut Turcanu – “Succeeding Against All Odds!”

Click here to Sign-up for the “Internet Lifestyle Exposed” eLetter Now Before It’s Too Late (A $149.95 VALUE)..


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