Super Affiliate Exposed: Fill in the Blank Templates for Affiliate Success

Do you wish one day to become a super affiliate and reach affiliate success?

Do you want to make money online not just dream about it?

Introducing: “fill in the blank templates”. They are not your magic stick, but the vehicle that could turn your dreams into reality.

I used to write everything from scratch. And did it over and over again.

For example, whenever I started an article like the one you’re reading now, I’d simply open a new Word document and type in. I would write word by word the same characters, and do it for years.

Until one day when something strange happened. I noticed how by using the “copy-paste” option inside the editor, I could now “write” the same word or phrase 3x times faster. Talk productivity.

Does RoboForm filler sound familiar?

I later realized how better and more prolific I can be if making use of fill in the blank templates.

Years ago, I had started to look on Google and study the top copywriters and pro (affiliate) bloggers. See how they write, and understand why they’re doing it that way, and not the other…

I still look for winning templates nowadays just like a kid would crave for candies…

Whenever I read or stumble upon some irresistible ads, headlines, promotions and other sales letters, I am folding them into my “swipe file” can.

I now have hundreds (and growing) of fill in the blank templates and winning marketing files on almost anything you can imagine:

You name it.

Fill in the blank templates not only help with your productivity. We don’t use them just to save us time but make us (more) money.

When we use what works (winning ads for examples) we are almost guaranteed to converts visitors into sales and not waste our investment (time and/or money) like many other affiliate marketers or bloggers.

We’re not shooting in the dark anymore, but rely on proven marketing. All you need to do is fill in the blanks and adjust the ad in order to fit your message with the right audience at the right time.

The worst thing to do is use an ad “as is” without mixing it with your imagination, words and specific offer. Don’t be a copy-cat, innovate. Model, mix and create something new.

Templates are models to work on as Michelangelo would work on his statue. Don’t be a fake copy-ca artist. Create.

Now, the ball is in your court.

Are you using any templates in your affiliate marketing or blogging activities? How?

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